Puja Vidhi

Hawan Samagri Ingredients | How to perform havan at home ??

Durgamaga Hawan Samagri

Often I get this questions from many of us “How to perform havan at home ?” What are the Hawan Samagri Ingredients required for it ?
In this articles I going to answer all your questions. This will serve as a credible single information source for all the information needed to perform a Hawan at Home. So without any delay lets gets started.

Why we do havan and scientific benefits of havan

Even before we start learning how to perform a simple havan at home, it is important to understand the benefits of it. We will cover both religious and scientific perspectives.

Religious Reasons For Performing Hawan

  • As per our Hindu culture it is believed Havan works like food the deities making them stronger in return they shower us with prosperity and happiness.
  • Performing Hawan gets the devotee closer to the God

Scientific Reasons For Performing Hawan

According to Hinduism, every matter is made up of five elements which are Earth (bhumi), Water (jala), Fire (agni), Air (Vayu) and Space (aakash). In Havan, we use the thermal energy of fire and the sound energy of the mantras for therapeutic application which purifies the air and brings harmony to the environment.

The chanting of mantras and offering to fire create a revitalizing and rejuvenating effect for both the body and mind.

Hawan Samagri Ingredients

The main content in Havan Samagri is Agar Wood, Anwala, Bach, Baheda, Bawachi, Bay Leaves, Cardamom Green, Chharil, Cloves, Daru, Haldi, Deodar, Dhawai Phool, Dry Coconut or Sookha Nariyal, Dry Eucalyptus leaves, Guggal or Guggul, Guruch, Harr or Harad, Howber, Indra Jau, Jara Kush, Jata Masi? or Balchhad, Kamal Gatta, Kapoor Kachari, Nag Keshar, Nagarmotha, Nutmeg, Red Sandal Wood, Sandal Wood, Sugandh Bala, Sugandh Kokila, Sugandh Mantri, Tagar Wood, Talish Patra, Tej Bal Wood, Tomad Bee.

Nowadays there are many brands selling Havan Samagri but unfortunately many just wood dust in name of Hawan Samagri. The havan samagri has to be natural and pure to purify your mind soul and environment. You can considering buying Durgamaga Hawan Samagri consisting of 51 different herbs and leaves wrapped in desi cow ghee. No chemicals and no preservatives.

How to perform Havan | Havan procedure

  • Wake up in the morning and take a bath.
  • Perform your daily prayer activities and then draw a square mandala on the floor with rice powder and write the symbol of Om and that of the deity in the middle.
  • On the right side establish a copper vessel filled with water and topped with mango leaves, and a coconut.
  • Offer the prayer to Lord Ganesha and then to the deity.
  • Use Turmeric powder to spread it over the mandala, and make food offerings around the pot to the deity.
  • Have some sand in Kund. And now arrange 3–4 pieces of wood above it. Pour some ghee in wood. Arrange some camphor in it.
  • Have water in ur right hand. And recite ‘OM AMRTIO UPASTRANMASI SWAHA’ and drink the water.
  • Again take water in right hand & recite ‘OM AMRITA APIDHANMASI SWAHA’ & drink the water.
  • Again repeat same & recite ‘OM SATYAM YASHAH SHRI MAYI SHRI SHRAYTAAM SWAHA’ & drink the water.
  • Wash your hand & burn the fire with a matchstick.
  • Offer ghee to it, 108 times while repeating the mantra of the deity.
  • This is followed by the recitation of Vedic mantras. [REFER BELOW FOR MANTRAS]
  • Keep offering a mixture(Ahuti) of certain samagris while reciting the Vedic Mantras. The Samagris would include Sesame seed(til), Oat(jaun), Panchmeva, Sandalwood(chandan), Jaggery(desi khand), hawan samgri, Guggul, Camphor(kapur).
  • During the end of your recitations put a coconut filled with ghee into the fire. (Om poornam-adah poornam-idah poorna-aat poornamvashishyate. Om poorna-asya poornam-aadaaya poornam-evaa vashishyate. Om shaanti shaanti shaanti swaha)
  • The ceremony is concluded with arati, the waving of lights with reverence, and Shanti mantras.
  • Follow the Vedic rule of donating every day after the Havan. Make sure you donate something to the needy on a daily basis. Havan is said to be incomplete without the act of donating.

Nowadays there are many brands selling Havan Samagri but unfortunately many just wood dust in name of Hawan Samagri. The havan samagri has to be natural and pure to purify your mind soul and environment. You can considering buying Durgamaga Hawan Samagri consisting of 51 different herbs and leaves wrapped in desi cow ghee. No chemicals and no preservatives.

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